Expansion happens when you allow new possibilities to exist

If you are feeling lost about your purpose in life, about what you are meant to do with your life, or how to move into a new, elevated version of your life, then these words will help you welcome in expansion.

Expansion happens when you allow new possibilities to exist in your vision, in your mind.

In your mind, remove the obstacles, the hurdles. Welcome the best version to exist with ease and without resistance.

Like and artist’s blank canvas where anything is possible, let the most miraculous, joyful and beautiful version of yourself and your life take form.

Step into an other-worldly dimension where your dreams can germinate and where your dreams can sprout and bloom, where they can flourish without the mental, societal, familial and human restriction of shouldas, wouldas, couldas.*

(* I define these terms in this way: Shouldas are the things we are told we should do according to outside voice, wouldas are the things we say we would do if xyz was different and couldas are things we regret about and cause ourselves even more mental agony and paid over the past.)

Allow yourself to transcend those restrictions, first in mind, in your vision, then in your body and in your physical environment.

From that place of openness and receiving-mode, listen, look and feel for the next right step, the next right idea, the next right move.

Let the vision drop hints. Then receive them without fear and doubt. From then on, be in a state of flow and ease. Trusting the process of receiving your guidance.

Walking in faith of your vision not in what you currently see around you.

You are the creator of your life

Take this moment to make a new decision, a new choice that brings you closer to the life that you want live. Don’t put too much emphasis on your current reality, rather put efforts towards the new version of your life that you want to bring into reality.

Hi! My name is Sophia and this is my message to you:

It’s possible to live the life you want.
Get Clear on the life you want to live + Visualize the details + Know that it’s already done + Take inspired action + Sprinkle In Some Gratitude = Create A Life You Want

Sophia Ojha

Web Design Services + ConvertKit Services + Biz Coaching for Web Designers + Weekly Blog & Video Tutorials

I (Sophia Ojha) am web designer and coach to web designers based in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. I love to design websites for my clients via my Website-In-A-Day package or my Website-In-Two-Weeks package. I publish a weekly free newsletter called the Abundant Creative which includes blog articles and video tutorials on using Squarespace, ConvertKit and other online tools for online businesses. Also, I love teaching these platforms one-to-one to clients who can hire me for an hour for a quick crash-course on Squarespace or ConvertKit. I am also the founder of Millionaire Web Designer, a 12-month group coaching program that helps web designers build a successful and spacious web design business.

To ask me about any of these, drop me a line via: Contact page.
Receive invites to events and new content: Abundant Creative Newsletter
Find a web designer for your next project: Millionaire Web Designer Directory

www.millionairewebdesigner.com | www.sophiaojha.com


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